The Interested Challenge

Wajiha Ijaz
4 min readJan 23, 2019

When we meet people it mostly happens that they start telling us about themselves. You can say that most people have a habit of showing off themselves and this behavior annoys us. It’s because we want others to listen to us instead of they make us listen.

First, we have to understand what is important being interested or being interesting. This is the point about which Benjie said I also didn’t know the answer at the time of the interview in Acumen Funds. The answer actually is

I found that answer from the book “How to win friends and influence people” by “Dale Carnegie.” He said people prefer to be loved than to love.

It is important to be genuinely interested in other people. By doing this you can make more friends in two months than you make in two years by trying to get them interested. In his book “Dale Carnegie” wrote about research of New York Telephone Company they found that frequently used word was the personal pronoun “I.” It was used 3900 times in 500 telephonic conversations. This shows people prefer to be interesting than interested.

We can show interest in others through a smile. Every person acts as a mirror for another person. So, be careful your emotions have a direct relation with other person’s mood especially in interviews if you want to be successful.

Being a good listener is also important to show your interest and the most important thing for being a good listener is to listen to that person’s name carefully because it’s the sweetest sound for a person in any language.

If you are on a negotiation table what do you think the smart move will be?

To stick to your goal or showing interest in the other party’s goal.

The best and smart move for me is to talk in another person’s interest.

The use of courteous words can also make other people feel important.

It’s a universal truth that in some way people feel superior to you. A sure way to their heart is to recognize it sincerely, and they will listen to you for hours.


This challenge is basically to have a conversation with different people about them to develop listening skills and to develop the skill of being interesting.


I contacted my all friends with whom I wasn’t in contact and also had a conversation with my family.

Challenges faced:

I haven’t faced any challenge in listening to others. The challenges I faced are:

  1. Listening to others with interest.
  2. The most difficult one is to have conversations with those to whom I don’t want to talk.

Lessons learned:

  1. Having a conversation with others allow us to understand their mindset, to have a look at their gestures, to develop a comfort zone, and to win the trust of others. This is the most important one for me because this skill is important for both interviewee and interviewer.

2. It’s human nature that we always think we are right. So, by talking to those to whom we don’t want to by not being defensive we can see the clear picture by keeping ourselves at their place.

Why being interested is important for interview:

It is important because when you know everything about the company it will boost your confidence. In my opinion, an interview and war are almost the same because in both we require knowledge about the opposite party to make a better strategy.

Focusing on making ourselves interesting is the big mistake we always make at the time of the interview. There are many people who are far better than us but the difference is in how passionate you are and they are.



Wajiha Ijaz

This story is about a poor old man whose son kicked him out of his own house.